
Chapter I
Chapter IV
The Challenge of Fears
They didn't see any dog with three heads or a man wanting a coin in order to pass them through the river... Even more, hell was nothing as they expected it to be! It looked like a normal town, but dead.... They couldn't see anyone there. They didn't know what to do... Where to go...
- Are you ok? Chris asked Anne, she also looked pretty shocked by the way the hell looks.
- Yes I'm fine.
- This place looks pretty familiar to me..... Anne said. The same thought came to Chris came to his mind. Yes.... As if I was here, Chris couldn't remember how he could know the place since he was too shocked.
- Shall we go? Anne asked Chris.
- Yes, let's go.
- Ok
And they went.
As they were going deeper and deeper into the city, a fog began to thicken to that point that they couldn't even see themselves. They could hear someone's, as if that person is right beside them.... They were holding their hands and continued the walk. After around fifteen minutes of walk they reached a road with two paths. On the first path they could have seen a shore. It was very calm, but they couldn't see the horizon.
- I know this place... Chris thought.
- But where from?
Then the idea came to his mind just like a lightning. It was the place where he saw his Vanessa for the last time! He couldn't believe his eyes.
- Now I remember! Chris shouted. - It's the place I saw Vanessa for the last time!!
- Oh my God! Anne said barely.
- What's wrong?! Because of the shock he got of seeing the shore he haven't looked neither at Anne nor at the second path. He changed the direction of sight directly at the second path. But, he couldn't remember this street. Then, he concluded that he never ever was at this street.
- Do you know this street? Chris asked, predicting that Anne has to know this street.
- Yes... and the tears appeared on her cheeks.
- It's the place where I saw James for the last time!
Then they looked at each other knowing what has to be done.
- Everyone should go on his own path. Chris finally uttered.
- Yes. Anne replied.
- Be careful out there.
- Yeah, you too.
They gave each other a hug and went everyone through his own path, to face their destiny, to face their fears.....
As Chris went through, he could see shadows moving very quickly from one place to another, he could hear devilish sounds
''She's dead''
''Why to suffer more?''
''You'll end up like she did''
When Chris was young, he joked of the things he was scared of and said to throw away the fear:
- There's no hell without demons....
While walking he could see all the things that stayed in his mind after his childhood. As if someone is rewinding his life tape and showing events that had the strongest effect on Chris' life. He could see the playground where he played with his brother during their childhood, in which during their play he sled and bumped his head. He could see the hospital where his wife passed away.... Later he saw her grave stone.....
All the things he saw where shown in the worst condition, they were filled with rust.
Suddenly he heard a familiar voice.
- How do you like my place? Chris.....
He looked back, he saw a face he hated but wanted to see the most. John Edwards.
He suddenly jumped and gripped him on his neck. He could feel satisfaction of the thing he's doing, but John seemed to have greater satisfaction that he did.
- You should know where we are first, Chris, here a pain is like a blessing.
Chris noticed that and left him.
- WHERE IS SHE????!!! He repeated the question louder than before.
- Relax, relax... he replied.
- I won't relax! I have no time!
- Ah time.... And then he became to laugh devilishly.
- What's so funny? Chris asked nervously.
- Still have no clue where are we, do you Chris? John asked him calming himself down. We're in hell, there's no such thing like time here Chris! We can talk here forever and on earth a second wouldn't have passed!
- Just tell me please. Chris changed his tone.
- Oh looks like you've calmed yourself. John said happily. -So now we can talk!
- Yes it looks like...
- So how are u Chris? John asked always having a devilish smile on his face.
- I'm fine... Chris said that knowing that it is directly opposite to the thing he felt. He felt that he is heavier and heavier, he couldn't breathe properly, he felt this the first time he got to hell.
- Sins... John said suddenly
- What?
- It's the sins, which make you feel like that. The more you sin, the more you feel the suffer.
- And how come you look as if there's nothing wrong with you?
John smiled- I got used to...
- So... Chris wanted to the answer about Vanessa so much that he couldn't wait.
- Where is she?
- Looks like you can't wait to know the answer.
- Yes I can't.... Chris answered honestly.
- Well....Said John contemplating about something.
- Well what? Chris asked him
- I'm going to tell you where she is, but you have to do me a favor...
- So she is alive??!! Chris shouted.
- I didn't say anything. He said. First you have to do me a favor and then we'll think of how to continue with the deal.
- And how should I know that you're not lying?
- You can't know. You should trust me.
- YOU??!!
- Yep. John said sarcastically.
Chris didn't know what to think, now he's in hell and has to trust the man that he hated the most....
But he noticed that he has no other way than to do the thing he wants...
- Ok.........
- Then let's go
- Where?
- You'll see.
- See what?
- Oh come on, he said. Don't ruin the surprise......And the devilish smile returned on John's face.
By Patrick Tomczyk Aloueichek
National American School
Grade 9
Zahle Lebanon
Uwagi i opinie przesyłac na adres: panczop@gmail.com
