
Chapter I
Chapter I
Watch Seller
Chris heard a telephone ringing, when he was still in his car. He parked it in front of the house and ran up to the door. He opened it and hurriedly went to the phone. Then he picked up the receiver.
- Mr. Coleman? Its Paul Semmers from the - said the voice. At the same moment shiver ran down Chrises spine.
- Did we know anything? Where is Vanessa? Is she alive?
- Slowly Mr. Coleman. The news I have isn't good. We still havent found your daughter. Weve found the kidnapper, John Edwards.
- Did he say anything? Shall we meet?
- Unfortunately, Mr. Coleman, I said the news isn't good. We found the kidnapper, but it was a suicide.
Semmers began to describe precisely what had happened, but Chris didn't listen to him. He was thinking about what Semmers had said. The kidnapper of his daughter - Vanessa - was dead. Chris had lived under stress for almost one month. He slept little and ate little. He was frightened.
- We don't know her whereabouts, but were still searching. Please have hope. Maybe Vanessa is kept by someone else than Edwards. She can be alive.
Chris knew Semmers could be right, but it didn't calm him down. He imagined the worst things.
- Thank you for phoning me - said.
- No problem. Goodbye - said Semmers then he disconnected.
Throughout the next week he didn't know what to do. At last he decided to go to his wife Michelle.
The cemetery was located a few kilometres from his home. It was a rather deserted place. A lot of people quickly forgot about their dead family members, but not Chris. He loved his wife so much.
Michelle died 11 years ago, as a result of complications after she gave birth to Vanessa. Chris decided not to become involved with other women. Anyway, so far he hadnt met anyone interesting.
Now it was autumn a late afternoon. Chris was going along the main aisle of the cemetery, fighting his way through stacks of gold leaves. Clouds began to collect in the sky. It was going to rain.
Chris approached the grave.
Michelle Coleman
Rest In Peace
- Hello Michelle - he said more to himself than to the marble headstone. - Do you know has what happened?
Only a rustle of leaves answered him. It was beginning to rain.
- The kidnapper of our daughter killed himself. And I still don't know where Vanessa is. I don't even know whether she is alive - Chris said slowly, he was thinking about every word.
- If... Vanessa is with you, give my love to her. I am so miserable. I would like to see my daughter one more time. I would give everything to have this possibility. I would even go to hell and squeeze it out from Edwards, to know where Vanessa is.
Michelle Coleman
There Is a Possibility
Chris was frozen. He blinked his eyes and there was R.I.P on the headstone again. He wasn't sure what it was. An illusion? Chris stood up hurriedly went to the exit. It was raining quite strong and it was getting dark.
As he left the cemetery, he turned right. Chris had just seen his car, when suddenly a man jumped close to him that Chris nearly ran into him.
It was a short, thin man. His gray hair suggested he was rather old. He was wearing a long, black raincoat.
- Welcome honourable mister - his voice was simply strange and in a way harsh and flat.
- Do you know me?
- We didn't have a pleasure. But Id like to propose you something.
- What is it?
At this moment the stranger drew the wings of his coat.
- Watches - said and really, under the coat he had a lot different watches - silver, gold, for kids, males and females.
- Where are they from? Are they stolen?
- Oh no... sometime I sold coins. But today people always leave only watches.
Chris looked strangely at the man.
- Where do they leave them?
- Eee... On them. And then they paid with these watches.
- For what?
- For a ride, of course
- Where?
- Often to hell because there are fewer and fewer people...
- Could you can give me a ride to hell?
- And do you have a watch?
Mateusz Podlasin kl.3E
Uwagi i opinie przesyłac na adres: panczop@gmail.com
