
Chapter I
Chapter III
Infernal Ireth
- Grandfather, where are you? - Chris asked himself loudly. He was sitting next to the cemetery over one hour. He hoped to meet this old men with watches again. He quickly has to settle a business with a journey to hell. Anne stood close to him. She was skeptic. She didn't believe that somebody could get to hell.
- Are you sure that he'll come? I can't see him anywhere.
- Let's wait a bit longer.
- And what will happen if he doesn't come?
- If you don't like something, just go. The way is free. I won't disturb you.
- Calm down. Don't be nervous.
Both lapsed into silence. Chris was very nervous. The thing was that it was everything about his daughter. Maybe they'll finally find her. The affair has lasted for a long time.
They were sitting like that for half an hour. Suddenly, a human shape in a black coat appeared from the darkness. Long grey hair was waving in the wind.
- So did you make up your mind?
- Yes. I've got a watch.
- Who is that girl? - the old man pointed at Anne.
- She's my brother's wife. She'll help me.
- Do you pick up the wife of your own brother? I thought that you're a good daddy and a loyal husband. - the old man smiled hideously and after that he licked his chapped lips.
- My husband is dead. - said Anne and she looked at the old man, holding him in abomination. He reminded her of a raven.
- Oh, sorry. I didn't know.
- Let's finish this chat. What do we have to do now?
- At first the watches, then information.
Anne and Chris took off their watches. The raven-man greedily tore the watches out and had a look at them.
- Well... I used to get better ones. From Cartier or types like him. But they're good. Oh! I would forgot. You need to have a sacrifice. For Her.
- For Her? Who are you talking about?
- You'll see.
- What should those sacrifices have to be?
- She'll settle that. But I advise you to prepare yourselves for the worst.
- What does it mean?
- You'll see. But now follow me.
The old man came to the cementry gate. He opened the gate and went through it. Anne and Chris followed him. He led them through dark paths to the biggest tomb. Nobody knew who the owner of the tomb was. Even old ladies, who could spend hours in the cementry. No one came there. However the tomb didn't seem to be forgotten. It has always been clean and glossy. The strange old man opened the door and looked inside. He looked at them and shook his head. They followed him. They didn't expect such a view. There was neither grave nor at least statues. Instead of those things was a river and water was dropping from something which should be the ceiling.
- Take the boat. - told the old man after a longer pause.
Now they realised that there was an old boat at the waterside. It looked like a boat, which has been used a lot.
- It won't sink? - asked Anne.
- Let's be hopeful, it will not. - answered the old man and started to laugh.
They took the boat and set off.
The journey was long and tiring. The views were dull. They would have fallen asleep if they hadn't been nervous and so frightened. They were sitting leaning on themselves and thinking about the past and the future. Are they doing the right thing?
- Chris?
- Yes?
- Nothing. I'd like to know whether you're asleep or not.
- No, I'm not sleeping.
- All right.
Anne reminded herself her husband's death. He was completely different from Chris. James was crazy and unforeseeble. She loved him so much. She hoped that one day she would find out who killed him and she would catch this rotter. She had been spending all days for investigations. She didn't think about anything else. She was afraid to forget him.
- So we've reached our destination. - the old man's voice roused her from her meditations. Chris first stood up and he helped her with getting on the waterside. His hands were cold. She looked around. The place was so inconspicuous. It was an ordinary grotto. There wasn't anything she had supposed to see in thell. No dogs with three heads. Nothing.
- So is it here? - she asked the old man.
- You supposed something different?
- Frankly speaking - yes.
- Everybody says that. But only in the beginning. After that they change their opinions.
- After what?
- When they meet her...
He led them inside the grotto. It wasn't deep. After few meters they saw its end - a normal door made of wood. The old man told them to stay there and not to go anywhere. He knocked at the door and came inside the room which was behind them.
- I'm here , my lady.
- Is it you, Tom?
- Yes, it's me. I took him.
- But he's not alone.
- Unfortunately. He insisted on taking a girl.
- It's better for me. Bring them here.
The door opened with a squeek.
- You can go inside. Don't tell anything unless She lets you do it. Don't look at Her if She doesn't let you do it. And you have to be good...
He made the way and showed them where they had to go. They got to the place which looked like a library. Apart from thousands of books there were some weapons: crossbows, swords, bows and something which looked like a huge wooden stick, but made of silver.
- Welcome. - they heard a voice which reminded them of a roar of trees and a brook in the forest. Chris and Anne thought that they hadn't heard something like this before. The voice was also beautiful and ominous. They were afraid to trust this voice.
The door closed with a loud roar. They couldn't succumb to their instinct and they looked in that direction. A woman wearing a violet dress was standing in front of them. She looked fleeting as if she were to disappear. Her complexion was very pale. She had straight, long, golden hair, big cornflower - blue eyes and peaked ears. Her dress was made of light waving material. She looked like an elfish queen.
- Your guide, Tom, had told me something about you. But you know that in order to get to hell and after that come back safely you have to give me something.
- Yes, we know about it, our Lady. - said Chris.
- That's good.
- But we don't know what it can be.
- But I know. The sacrifice is always the same. You have to give me your lives.
Anne and Chris looked at the old woman with a terror in their eyes. She smiled scoffingly.
- But... How? - asked Anne - I don't understand it.
- It is easy enough, isn't it? Go there. Do what you have to do. Come back. Give me your sacrifice. Is it really so hard to understand?
- No, Lady. But how can we return to the surface, when we're dead?
- I didn't tell you to kill yourselves.
- But to give somebody a life doesn't mean to kill ourselves? - Chris was so furious and he nearly shouted those words.
- Only for as stupid people, just like you. People will never understand. And that's why they are so weak. - The woman came closer to them.
- You don't know who I am, don't you?
They shook their heads.
- I'm Ireth. I'm older than your world. I saw the beginning. I saw the end. The alpha and the omega. Now, close your eyes.
They did what she told them. Suddenly, they felt something as if somebody made wholes in their heads. The pain was terrible. They couldn't succumb it. It disappeared as suddenly as it appeared.
- Jesus Christ. What was it? - asked Anne.
- I had to find out everything about you. Sorry for that pain. So what? Do you agree? Will you give me your lives?
- Yes...
- That's good. Close your eyes.
This time they didn't feel any pain. They felt sleepy. They felt as if they were flying. They felt very happy. They didn't want it to finish.
They opened their eyes.
They were in hell.
By Karolina Adamczyk from Gimnazjum nr 13
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