
Chapter I
Chapter II
Nice watch
He looked down at his watch. It was a gift from his wife for his birthday many years ago.
- I want to find my daughter Can you help me do that?
- I can only help you find people who are in hell.
Chris looked down at his watch again. Many memories came to mind, and he suddenly had a strong headache. He ignored it.
- How old is you daughter?
- Eleven. She s only eleven.
- Where is her mother?
- In heaven.
- You mean she s dead?
- I said she s in heaven.
- Because I know that s where angels go
Chris was beginning to lose his temper. How dare that man tell him his wife might not be in heaven?
The watch seller kept silent. It was as if he was waiting for Coleman to finish his thoughts. Finally, he spoke again.
- You think your wife is in heaven. Why do you think your daughter is in hell?
- I didn t say I think my daughter is in hell! Vanessa is still alive!
- Why are you looking for her then? And why do you think hell is the place to go to?
- In hell I want to find her kidnapper, he committed suicide. Even if she s with her mother now, I want to make him regret it, and then go to them.
- And what if your daughter is still alive?
- Then I ll do my best to find her.
- And what if your best is not enough?
- I said I ll find her!
And with that, Chris walked away. He was so angry. Who is that man to tell him Vanessa is not in heaven? And who is he to say that his best isn t enough to find her?
As soon as he was home, he called Paul Semmers. He asked him if he knew whe the best detective in town is.
- Anne Coleman.
- Anne Coleman???!
Chris was shocked. Ann was his deceased brother s wife! His brother was a detective but was killed, and the murderer was still unknown until then. James was a rich man of high class. He was goodhearted, but his wife wasn t. and ever since James died, Chris hadn t talked to her. But he had no choice.
After a few call, it was arranged that they meet at a new café in town.
Exactly 1 o clock afternoon, Chris showed up. Anne wasn t there he chose a table far from the others and said to himself: Perhaps she changed her mind, after all, she must be too busy shopping for designer labels somewhere, while Vanessa might be dying somewhere else.
Finally, 10 minutes later a woman with a notepad came in.
He knew it was her.
- Hello Chris.
- Hello Anne
- How are things going?
- Not well I suppose Paul told you everything, right?
- Yes he has.
- And what are you going to do now?
- I want you to tell me what happened.-I thought you said Paul told you everything .
- He has, but I want to hear it again from you, if you don t mind.
Therefore, for the next hour and a half he told her everything. They discussed everything. Their plan, their strategy.
In front of her car they shook hands for the first time in years. Chris said bye.
- Bye Chris
- Yes, indeed we will.
- Ok I ll see you tomorrow then.
- Definitely, by the way, nice watch.
Sandra El-Hady
Grade 9
National American School
Zahle Lebanon
Uwagi i opinie przesyłac na adres: panczop@gmail.com
